The majority of women know how does it feel to have a urinary tract infection because it is quite common among them. You are so lucky if you are one of those fortunate ones who never have had urinary tract infections. The urinary tract system consists of four basic components, the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.
The two kidneys are present on either side and work by filtering the blood and, therefore, generate waste in the form of urine.
- Ureters are the two tubes, arising from each kidney that takes the urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
- A urinary bladder is a thin membranous sac that collects and keeps urine for some time. It has a quality to expand up to a certain level.
- The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the urinary bladder and takes it out from your body.
A urinary tract infection can infect any part of the urinary tract. One that occurs in the bladder is a bit easy to treat. But if it occurs in the kidneys, it can become quite difficult to treat and may cause blood in urine and other symptoms. If you have a complaint of repeated urinary tract infection, you should visit the best urologist in Karachi.
The anatomy of the female urinary tract system makes them more prone to urinary tract infection as compared to men. In females, the anus and urethra are closely related, which can in turn increase the chances of getting an infection. It happens because your stool contains the bacteria E.Coli that is healthy for your bowel. But the same bacteria, when comes in contact with your urinary tract system can cause an infection.
The risk factors for a urinary tract infection vary with the age and the phase woman is going through. It can occur due to other reasons like;
After menopause, women are at greater risk of getting a urinary tract infection because the number of Lactobacilli- a bacteria that keep your vagina healthy declines. Moreover, your bladder can not empty itself in the same way as it used to do, which increases the chances of infection eventually.
Women who use contraceptives in the form of a diaphragm or spermicide are at more risk of developing a urinary tract infection. The diaphragm does not allow your urinary bladder to empty completely, due to which some of it remains in the bladder and becomes a hub of infection.
Sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse plays a role in increasing the chances of a urinary tract infection by pulling the bacteria upwards. Through sex, the bacteria can travel from the urethra to the urinary bladder, which makes things more complicated.
Pregnancy also plays a role in making women prone to urinary tract infections. The uterus keeps expanding as the pregnancy advances and, therefore, the urinary bladder can not empty itself. The left urine in the urinary bladder can become a hub for an infection.
To prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in women, the following tips may help.
- Drink plenty of water
- Urinate after having sex
- Try to empty your bladder completely, even if it takes time
- Instead of a spermicide or diaphragm, use another contraception method
- At the post-menopausal stage, consider having a vaginal estrogen therapy
- Wipe from front to back, not from back to front- this technique helps in lowering the chances of E.Coli bacteria traveling from the anus to the urethra
- Take an antibiotic course and if the infection exacerbates after sex, you must seek professional help. For that, the healthcare providers may ask you to take the prophylactic antibiotic.
A urinary tract infection is a painful condition that occurs with lower abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, and sometimes blood in the urine. It occurs when bacteria infect any part of your urinary tract system. Women are more prone to it as compared to men because the anatomy of their urinary tract system is quite different from each other.
Urinary tract infection, if left untreated can damage your kidneys and become life-threatening. Therefore, seek professional help in the earliest possible stage. You must visit the doctor as soon as you feel symptoms like burning in urine or lower abdominal discomfort. For consultations, you can visit the best urologist in Lahore.