Author: admin

Exercise physiology is the complete study of how our responses to different types of physical activities. These changes are like the physiology of several parts of our body like lungs, heart, muscles and also different structural changes in our cells or metabolism changes. Our body boasts a great capacity to stand up to adversity and it can get stronger by being subjected to specific physical training that is very progressive. If you want to know what is exercise physiology? You need to know that with exercise physiology, one can check how our body reacts on though physical training. It can…

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Have you ever felt stress? Are you worried and preoccupied daily? Or do you just want to improve the quality of your life and your decision-making?  Stress is a catalisator of personal transformation, an anvil that weighs down your life. In this article I want to share with you 4 tips to reduce your stress in 2018 1- From the Problem to the Solution Most people spend their time talking about the “problem”, complain about the “problem” and become obsessed with the “problem”. And this behavior stimulates the synaptic circuits of stress. So would not it be more judicious to…

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